Someone who uses an albuterol inhaler against its designed purpose.

A guy you just meet that confessed to transforming his inhaler into a marijuana smoking device
You can't use that for smoking, you albuterol abuser. Albuteral is to help you breathe.
She can't be an albuteral abuser, she is using her inhaler correctly
by Whore-able_&_Adorable May 10, 2020
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Friendship abuse is the abuse you or someone endures at the hands of their so called best friends. Friendship abuse consists of bullying, verbal, physical or mental abuse as well as manipulation, ganging up and emotional abuse. When all these are combined it is torture for the person enduring it, by people they trusted, by people they felt safe with and by people who were supposed to do better. If anyone has gone through friendship abuse you are lucky to of gotten out of it!
Sasha is manipulating you, she is using friendship abuse on you. You need to get out of there and away from the toxicity
by Be Better October 21, 2023
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The action in wich someone abuses another persons hat
by eric noblesmen August 30, 2018
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An international holiday where people must abuse their friends in whatever way possible. It is celebrated on the 23rd February annually.
Abuse your friend day is coming up soon.
by DCVBREFD February 18, 2023
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Someone: Kevin always gets abused

Someone else: yeah we need to stop Kevin abuse
by November fools November 19, 2021
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Withholding kinder eggs from your child.
Every parent in America commits child abuse because they cannot provide kinder eggs for there children.
by mondaymornings August 8, 2022
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Statement defining moments when you body goes through moments of absolute pain. Can be caused emotionally or physically.
Sally abused Candy's senses when she woke her up this morning.

Your music is abuse to my senses.

It was an abuse of the senses when I walked into the toilet this morning.
by podling October 18, 2010
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