I'm just a fucking toxic piece of shit that's all you have to say, like I should stop accusing just bc I am blatantly jealous and pressed about me having better clips, you mean all of your feeds are better than all my clips combined shit, not like that's a flex or anything since it's roblox you're just saying you literally do.
Paradox Virus told me that he has better feeds then all my clips combined. How does that work?
by Stylismodsarefurries September 15, 2020
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A new virus that's spreading across entire Europe.
"Hey, how's it going?"
"Привет, меня зовут Дмитрий."
"Damn, you got the Russian virus."
by perselakkuja184 October 21, 2023
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The Badussy Virus was when Covid , fly , nicki Minaj and cardi b were mixed together. It created a very serious , but slaying virus.
by thebadussyvirus July 6, 2022
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When a popular website is remade with a slightly different name, you accidentally go to that fake website, it can give you a virus. thus the name, typo virus.

-- one of these websites is goole.com a remake of google.com a popular search engine. just by mistyping google you can get a virus. dont worry, goole.com is not a virus, just someone trying to make a popular website.
Yesterday i got a typo virus by forgetting to type the second "g" in google, now i have to pay to get that fixed.
by almightynino March 15, 2016
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The most elite. One of the most loyal and genuine people you will meet. Not only that but extremely sexy to the point that they make you question whether or not a person can be that good looking and still sincere and kind.
“I once saw a Viru in my dreams, hard to believe they exist in the real world
by Kaur6785 November 22, 2021
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An overwhelming feeling of nostalgia caused unexpectedly that can cause you to drop whatever you were working on or thinking about, and just drown you in memories. It takes hold of your actions and thoughts, and bends you to the will of your past experiences, in a similar manner of how a virus (the disease variant) will completely overwhelm a host.
I found a cool Spotify playlist the other day full of songs from 2012 and stuff, and was listening to it while doing the dishes, when We are young came on, and I had a case of sudden virus nostalgia from my sophomore year in high school.
by TheJoeRoganExperience September 28, 2019
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A Synthetically formed Pathogen, that rapidly secretes bacteria causing severe symptoms (such as early vomiting, abdominal pain, and severe genital pain(This includes, the feeling of being sounded))
This Obscure Disease is rarely found, and has only ever been seen once.
Tom: What the hell is up with Djarno
Tyron: He got the Djarno Virus
by Connor's Lawyer July 2, 2023
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