A game that clearly identifies the boundaries between generations and is best played on a road trip or at the retirement home, music or noise involves a broad selection of music and an audience of people that are older than you (parents or grandparents are the best participants). As you and your friends go through the selection of music, ask the old folks whether the songs they hear are 'music' or 'noise' based on THEIR definition of what music is. There is no real objective to the game except to laugh at their reactions when they hear today's popular 'music' (rap and dubstep get the best results). It ends when they get tired of listening to 'noise'. But be sure to include songs that they would know from their good ol' days.
Dave: Ok grandpa, music or noise?

(plays Elvis, and then the Beatles)

Grandpa: Music, music.

Dave: How about now?

(plays rap, and then dub step)

Grandpa: NOISE!!
by Bryan Tibbs April 10, 2014
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Meaningless posts to the internet that seem to serve no purpose. Often found on social media, pop-culture journalism sites, and YouTube.
This noise can drown out the content the user actually wants to consume.
I had some time to kill so I went on YouTube, but I couldn't find a good video through all the internet noise.
by Communist bloc party November 24, 2020
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the most idiotic thing in the world it is annoying
The Noise is bad
by the noise from pizza tower April 20, 2023
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A person from pizza tower, appeared in pizza tower in boss 3.
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Typed when some one feels awkward in a group chat or one to one messages because you have all stopped talking
*5 minutes later*
‘Silence noises’
by M.Platypus June 4, 2019
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The noise you hear in your head when your brain disconnects from this dimension
Hello! My name i- (Samsung loading noise) eyhu4ejyguuevjdbe hert444564er6trhteuy74teuryt8yrgf gruguetgfdjgksrgkrgfdgfudgjrfgfjdgjfhgurgfjurtyfujhfgtfurghfgrugjfgrjfgsrgfkfgdjrgfjdyrdjyufjdehgfjdjfgdjgjrhgjdrygfrygdfgrtyfjdrjsjr skrugskrfhfugrgueygdufgsjrgjrhgjrj dhrgdjuykudygkdyugkuygskeyrgksyrgresytgyrfyr0r92020202eefhkh2020201010101udfhkehfierhyurhtftef6s4g6r4s65f4srg6g4564gf6d54f64d6fg6rg5trg64g64d64t6d5g64465d6t54gd6g4t4g6f94g6fgt5f4fgbobiruf;souefoudfkdkjgfkgjxjdfglkrjkldrjfrfrdjghthfgrfdgfdgdfridugdugsrgjfgjselrjgrgrigoidjfgjuifjvjbvhj8o940489752043red/ffd*f/dfuyfrfdg8+9fd8*89fdxx8dx3dgx#######ghbsnveust7uyjhe4hdjc
by The man in the walls August 6, 2023
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Sounds one makes when extremely excited and or happy. Originated from a meme.
Person one: Yo, dude, I just asked her out!
Person two: What'd she say?
Person one: She said yes!! *Happiness noises*
by Lilac_Reed August 16, 2021
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