Describing a person or entity that; blames someone else for their short comings, gets away scot free from many infractions in both the workplace and in social situations. Someone who slips through the cracks. An analogy used for a situation like this originating from someone cutting in front of you in line in a gym class exercise.
Nick is a goddamn cocksucker and should stay on his own service counter to serve the customers. I am sick of doing his job for him and when the boss retires some day and Nick will have no one to look out for him, I hope that gym squeech will get whats coming to him.
by Crazy Mike666 November 3, 2007
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Gym envy is when someone tells you that they have gone to the gym or you see people training and you become jealous as you haven't been able to go. Gym envy is smoking getting trimmer whist you are getting fatter as you can't train.
Friend; I just ran 10km before work
You; listening as you look at them with hate as you had to wake up early so could'nt train. ( Gym envy)

Surfing Instagram after you've just eaten heavy meal of people doing cross fit .... Wanting to throw your phone in the bin with Gym Envy

Friend ; I got my body fat down to 11%

You; I got Gym envy , just can't get back into gym since my holiday

Friend 1; what's up with jon?
Friend 2 ; he has Gym envy as he hasn't been able to train this week... Just shut up about your training today as he is moody as he thinks he is fat!
by Jon b April 11, 2017
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Your daughter saw Billy at the gym when she went to practice. He was there practicing too. It turned out she wasn't the only one that went to the gym to practice or study.
by The Original Agahnim September 4, 2021
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Handsome and charming boy. Muscular man. Enjoy sunshine and outdoor activities. Gym gives people an impression that he’s been through interchange of sea and land. Is a drifters all the time.
Gym is so charm.
by Drifter always alone November 22, 2021
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Gym is a Place where people only go to be cool, but in reality they´re just omega GAY.
Person 1: Let´s go to the gym
Person 2: Nah bro, I´m already cool and not gay.
by K.K.J March 15, 2023
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Boring stupid but it isn’t work so it a win lose I guess
Ye I hate gym hehe
by Hu Tao ❤️‍🔥 September 30, 2021
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A thing that people over 200 pounds don’t go to and everyone fakes going there
The GYM sucks.Nobody likes the Gym
by Projekt_USA November 7, 2019
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