A someone divorced to a blind person and is a Phat-O

And sleeps around
See that Slut heather

Yeah she sleeps around she fucked her sister boyfriend what a Slut
by Vespasius November 1, 2020
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what michael scott called dwight schrute from 'the office'.
----"safety training", episode 19, season 3----
Michael is on the roof and Dwight is below with a bullhorn

Michael Scott : My life! Oh, my life!

Dwight Schrute : Michael, what's wrong?

Michael Scott : Everything's wrong. The stress of my modern office has caused me to go into a depression!

Dwight Schrute : Depression? Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling "bummed out"?

Michael Scott : Dwight, you ignorant slut! Depression is a very serious illness. Over 32,000 people commit suicide every year according to a 2004 study.

Dwight Schrute : Is that the last year the data was available?

Michael Scott : Yes.
by that_one_egg June 26, 2020
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A person who has sex a lot with the same person
My girlfriend Amber is such a slut she always wants the dee
by F*** n**** June 2, 2022
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a person who has slept with alot of people and is youngish
"she has slept with so many people"
"that is what we call a slut"
by tortoisecake October 2, 2019
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A muddafuqin bitch who fucks peeps and hooks up with randos.
by reeeeee deeeeeez October 13, 2019
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