wtf gay little monkey is when someone is just straight up being retarded and you dont know how to respond so you say wtf gay little monkey
Bro that shit was so wtf gay little monkey
by hi im dumb May 25, 2021
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Acronym used to describe Saint Joseph's University. Many students and alumni of Saint Joseph's University use the acronym SJU when referring to their university, however, it's universal knowledge that SJU stands for Saint John's University. For this reason, the "(PA)" was added to help clarify when Saint Joseph's University was being mentioned on message boards like Students and alumni of other universities added (LOL) and (WTF) because, well, the school is basically a joke.
According to, it looks like SJU (PA) (LOL) (WTF) head coach Martelli is on the hot seat.
by ncaaball October 9, 2010
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Mom:Tell me what wtf stfu nvm gtg means now!
Me:what the fuck shut the fuck up neverming got to go
Mom:bitch what
by That one 🅱️🅾️I August 1, 2018
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A verb, used when some gets excessively owned. Using acronyms and leet speak.
Dude when I was playing Ninja Gaiden Alma pwn-wtf-bbq'd me!!!!!
by Adriel Ram June 29, 2008
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why would i do that

who do you think i am
- "Hey go put burn cream on your burnt finger"

- "Wtf i look like i ain't white"
by Gucci qurl April 12, 2011
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OMFG WTF STFU GTFO N00B is the largest possible insult able to be used against old people who don't follow abbreviations in such a manner.

Standing for Oh my fucking god, shut the fuck up, get the fuck out n00b.

People over the age of thirty are baffled to what this even means when said like so.
Kid: Mother, can you make me pancakes for breakfast?
Mother: No, i'm already making you toast
Mother: ???
by maxmoefoe May 30, 2010
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You will typically say this phrase when you come home from a long day of work and are looking forward to a grand feast of Terriyaki Chicken and Pineapple Rice to be prepared by your beautiful wife when she had unexpectedly whipped up a big pot of beans for both of you to chow down on.
They buggin' bro. When I... bro, bro, bro. She made fuckin BeEeeeEEAAAaNNnnSsSss WTF!!
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