When a guy is having anal sex with a girl and decides to pee inside her butthole.
Guy 1: hey man have you ever put it in a girls butt?

Guy 2: Yeah, but I usually give her a wet starfish just to be a douche bag.
by The real mike jones December 13, 2014
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When the sphincter of the male human body has been abused in such a fashion the trajectory of the bowel movement now hits the ball sack.
Ryen took his girl out for an evening of passion and drinks. To his surprise he woke the next morning to a empty bed a bloody strap on and a Deviated Starfish.
by andypal February 15, 2019
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When you try anal after a curry.
Yo man, she must of had curry for lunch my bellend was burning from her spicy starfish.
by Spasmo1 May 27, 2022
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Like a neutron star it is highly compacted, it is a great retraction, a massive tightening.
The starfish references the anus, therefore a Neutron starfish is a massive contraction of ones anus.
The idea of contracting the beer virus gives me a neutron starfish.

Going to the store and finding no toilet paper gives me the neutron starfish.

When your mom hits on me I get a neutron starfish.
by iduntcare March 18, 2020
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When a man cums on the wall and proceeds to jump and stick to the wall with his arms and legs spread out to represent a starfish.
"Sponge-bob wanted to be patrick so he did the starfish"
by Flamingzombie3 September 2, 2022
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the rarest sleeping position. named after the starfish sea creature, you put your arms behind your head and spread out your legs. not very space effective, but comfortable enough.
"the starfish is the rarest sleeping position. most favor the fetal position."
by fellownapper April 9, 2021
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The condition that develops when one continuously wipes their ass until it dries out, possibly until it bleeds.
Dude, I shouldn't have eaten that Mexican food, I've had to shit so much that I have a dry starfish
by Kab00se December 12, 2016
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