A friend who tries to explain to you the strange behavior of the male species especially those particular male species that you have been flirting with and have a crush on. They are very sensible which is annoying and calming at the same time because lets face it-over-thinking stuff is tiresome.
Girlfriend-Queen of common sense.
by Esth December 26, 2011
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That feeling you get when

1. Your being watched
2. You have to take an enormous crap

3. Something very inappropriate is about to happen near you or involving you.
The Sixth Sense

Ex 1: “Hey Greg my sixth sense is aroused!” John

“Not again! Which one?” Greg

Number 2. 😏” John

by RetroGalacticGamer July 29, 2019
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“I only text my friends when my fuckbuddy wakes up (I only care about him)” - “Well that makes sense”
by Hajoon February 22, 2021
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When someone is trying to make a point, but they struggle to find any coherent logic behind their argument.
"Dude trust me, I did this last week just trust me"
"You're making air sense"
by poopstickman321 November 18, 2020
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understanding emotions, knowledge from the heart and not the head.
“that’s heart-sense” similar to common sense, but it’s knowledge from the heart and not the brain.
by stars.moon.sun222 April 8, 2023
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Map Sense is a term used when asking if someone's confused about their sexuality

Someone with map sense know what they like, people with no map sense basically love it up the arse AND like a bit of cunt every now and again.
Do you have any map sense?

I.e. are you confused?

Guy: "Either of you got map sense?"
Girl: "Not really"
Other girl: "Nope"
Guy: "Jackpot."
by Manjit Gill February 18, 2009
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staw-ker sens verb: being able to feel the person you have an obsession over enter a room, building or area without confirmation from the other senses.
Robert knew Stacy was in the football stadium using his stalker sense, despite not previously knowing she was going to be there.
by Blknight920 April 1, 2014
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