ok used to act like poser but NOT ANY MORE...
ok maby she did act like a poser but so what SHES NORMAL NOW GET OVER IT.....
by not sayin November 11, 2004
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One who pretends to be a skateboarder. Most of these people are preps. These people can be recognized by their preppy status, and by their clothes. The brands most popular among posers are DC shoes, Element/Bam, and sometimes Circa.
Dude, Mary is such a poser. Yesterday, she was her normal preppy self, and now she is wearing DC.
by Ricky Benda May 23, 2005
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Juanita: "Hola. ¿Habla usted español Raul?"

Raul: "Sorry, I don't know what you're saying."

Juanita: "Oh, so you're a poser rican?"
by ewic santiago October 12, 2008
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someone who doesn't know the difference between alternative rock, classic rock, heavy metal, death metal, pop punk, nu metal and possibly even indie. however, this poser will buy a guitar and take up lessons, in a way that will make you cringe seen as 90% of guys have alrealdy jumped on this bandwagon already. they act like they're really 'kwl' and go around proclaiming how good 'rock' is and telling everyone to listen to some 'decent' music, when they dont even know what theyre talking about. their music taste will probably change in a year anyway!!
Poser rocker Michael: arrr what you listening to Bob Dylan for, listen to some proper rock lololol how about Disturbed, they're awesome dude!!! or Sum41, rock on man!!!

Me: ARRRRRGHHHHHH p. off you poser rocker, do you realise you cliche you are?!?!
by tipp-ex April 18, 2009
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A lot of people have been saying to be a "true punk" you have to not give a shit about anyone else, This is false. The whole point is to try to make a difference in the world. to change what's wrong with people and everything else. A poser punk would be one that only listens to their music and dress the way they do for the style, or vision in other people's minds. they do it to be cool. punk is about doing something real. poser punks listen to sell-outs, go to sell-outs for clothes, and in turn, will probably become a lawyer or doctor
Poser Punk: Hey, look at my cool new shirt from hot topic, its says sum 41, they are sooo hot! arent I awesome?

Real: Your life is just a endless cycle where everyone follows the same rules. How bout we not do that, and instead stand up for what we want, and believe. Hey cool a grey shirt for a buck!
by o.p-i.v January 30, 2011
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One who pretends to be someone whose not- poser + a fag
Avril Lavigne is considered a poser fag in the hard rock music community.
by Phobos March 7, 2007
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people who pose as something or someone they are not because their personalities suck so they tend to dress or act a different way just so they could fit in, and then they call other people poser punks coz they think their status would elevate somehow.

sometimes they can be confused with real punks because of certain issues. for example, a poser punk will listen to bands like blink182 or sum41, but sometimes there are real punks who listen to the said bands because they like it personally. and poser punks dress in all-out punk style, while a few punks dress in regular clothes because it's what they want to wear. as you guys have said, real punks don't care about the trend. they do what they want and they listen to what they want. but posers try to dress and listen to something they think they should want.
by benzophenone January 11, 2005
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