A fine ass woman, that freezes your eyes on her and you can't stop looking, making you want to blast her...
"Dam bro, look at that chilly blaster over there! She's freakin gorgeous!"
by Jack Daddy 101 January 16, 2014
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A flavor blaster is when someone eats to much flavor blasted gold fish that they mix and expload an extra large load of cum, shit and blood all over their partner
Their is nothing that matches a night with a Flavor Blaster, Damn was it messy...
by TimsterThePimpster June 20, 2018
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A drink that is manufactured, distributed, and consumed primarily for the temporary increase in penis potency and size. This substance is reddish in color, and is always adorned with a heart shape froth layer to remind you of how much smashing you will partake in after consumption. Management has since labeled this a class 2 drug, so don't get caught with your pants down when cracking a cold one with the boys.
"Yo, I got a hold of some Red Cock Blaster, you feeling lucky?"
by gl;on May 5, 2021
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I can never go to Naples again because last time I went I got covered in Baja Blaster.
by Baja blaster October 11, 2019
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Senior Set speakers built into either a fanny pack or manpurse.
They are used to project coolness and bad taste in public spaces.
The swill coming from that dude's grampy blaster is driving me nuts. He should shut it off or go away.
by wheelsucker October 8, 2022
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a ferret blaster is a weapon used back in world war 2 you make one by disecting a ferret stuffing it with gunpowder shotgun shells and c4 bombs this were often effecient but made the ferret population have a fast dicline
tony were getting shot grab the ferret-blaster
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the pieces of torn up road in your cul-de-sac that if they look anything like a firearm the are considered a “kerchunka blaster”
they fire motorcycles, trains, car, etc.
they fire them in your imagination
holy hell man that was so cool when you shot a motorcycle at my house from that kerchunka blaster
by Jehne_man May 31, 2023
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