A very mean person who is usually a douche or "meanie" as called by many people (josh) who are just joshing around.
Girl 1: Did you just break up with your boyfriend?
Girl 2: Yeah, He's such a Noah
by PinkDwagon December 20, 2017
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Actually the love of my life
Is best boy of the century
Probably has a part time job as a soft e-boy
Has a part time job as a jock
Has a full time job as the cutest and most wholesome person in the world 💖💖
"I love you, Noah!!!!"
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Typically a male figure, a Noah is a really really really really really super fat kid who at some point in existence has long hair resembling a lions mane. The Noah is commonly found in rural to suburban areas nesting, but migrates during skate season. Commonly associated with trash.
Dude, that Noah just stole my Cheeseburger!

I swear I saw a Noah just like that in the African Safari
by B.Awesome March 9, 2009
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noun; a short, dark-haired boy with a soul patch who is incapable of making good decsions when it comes to matters of the heart. He is most likely doomed to a life of courting an ugly, hairy man-woman, who's name usually starts with the letter "E" such as, Emily, Eden, or Erica. In his spare time he enjoys texting his ex-girlfriends while he's with another girl. He's basically a giant pussy who can't make up his mind.
Girl: Do you love me?

Guy: Well, yeah, I mean, I love you... and that one girl... too?

Girl: Does she make you happy?

Guy: Well, no, but I mean.. I love her.. kind of.

Girl: God, just make up your mind; you're being such a Noah!
by captainflap April 5, 2010
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He is very sexy and has a perverted humour, he likes to smoke a lot and is probably gonna turn into a druggie because he is friends with the wrong person, but is admired by many girls and gets in a lot of beef and fights, usually is very lucky with girls ;)
Girl1: omg I just saw noah
Girl2: oh fuck yes where, I just wanna fuck him!
Girl1:He's over there smoking!
Girl2:I'm gonna fuck him on day<3
by Anal boi May 31, 2017
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A ginger who is funny and nice and likes people who talk to him at least 3 times, 1 flirtatious comment in each.
dang, quit flirting with Noah.
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To have sex with a guy while fingering four other gusys, 2 with each hand while "toe-ing" 2 more guys, one with each foot. Basically to Noah is to have sex with as many guys as possible, using every single body part capable of penetration.
yo i had so much fun being noahd by my noah
by gayhaters April 7, 2010
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