The ultimate nickname for beer. It's the golden fuel that God made specifically to keep giving us good times. The ultimate in liquid refreshment.
Dude... we're only in the fourth inning of this men's league game and we're out of God's Gatorade... we're fucked
by lsc17 May 7, 2015
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Person 1: Hey, what does clanker mean?

Person 2: Look it up in gods dictionary.
by Bobby420Jimmy December 30, 2021
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A person with a huge penis, not gay, godly at Fortnite, gets bitches, and is 6,11
Miles is a god at Fortnite and life
by Turtles9919 August 6, 2022
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Birthed from the Spanish pi dimension and is worshipped all around the world.

Known as "sanchez" by worshippers.
by Chaoschamp March 25, 2018
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A very cringy organization full of people who have spent their entire lives on writing smut. Mainly residing in the BTS catagory. Although majority of what they write is fluff, they read some kinky shit. The best part of their existence on Wattpad is that they host THE God of Smut. Some call her Jungcock for her obsession with BTS but most of her friends call her 'Daddy'. They are truly above average in their beliefs of the Jibooty... honestly they are merely fanfiction writers with no reads and are willing to do anything to get some...
"Honestly the Gods of Smut are pretty stupid authors but fun to be friends with"
by Juancock the Jungcock October 29, 2018
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When you get up in the middle of the night and take a drink of water that feels like it’s come from a spring blessed by god himself.
Person1: I was so thirsty last night and I went a got a drink. It was water of god.
by UnTen May 22, 2022
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