actscrazy, goes nuts, behaves like they have lost their mind
My baby is experiencing separation anxiety. When I leave the room she flips smooth out and starts screaming like its the end of the world.

My Mom saw my report card and flipped smooth out because I got an F. She started taking away all my stuff xbox, my phone, my shoes, my bed.....
by Meangirl#3 November 7, 2012
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A greeting for someone so cool, they're like a bucketful of smoothness.
"Ooooh, look at you lookin' all sharp. What's up, Smooth Bucket?"
by C Monty March 27, 2021
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Smooth on the Decks and on the Ladies
"Man did you hear Sammy Smooths set last night!!"

"Who the fuck is Sammy Smooth"

"He's Smooth on the Decks and on the Ladies"
by SwamC April 30, 2023
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A Tiktoker who is amazing at what he does. He is unbelievably good at what he does...making videos. He is a fun guy to be around, a guy who befriends anyone. He can be rather charming, and sometimes adorable.
Smooth Shadow is quite honestly the best TikToker ever.
by ErIk10891000 November 23, 2020
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