Someone who justifies cramming his home full of stuff by saying that it protects his home by weighing it down too much to be blown away in high winds.
Red Green gives humorous lectures about why men like to obtain/save stuff that they never use, but he never mentions the hurricane hoarder as another type of dude who possesses a valid-sounding reason for not re-evaluating. Maybe I should suggest that idea to him.
by QuacksO November 6, 2018
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When a girl is giving you a rim job, and you fart in her mouth. She gets both surprised and angry and blows it back in your face.
Janet gave me a polish hurricane because i just about blew mud in her mouth.
by Richard Cranium August 25, 2015
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A category 3 hurricane that suddenly had a certain urge to hit tampa because of its hate twards it because they always say that Miami is a " copy of tampa "

Might also explain why the hurricane was nice enough to not even touch miami.
" Hey , have you heard about hurricane Ian? "
" Yeah man , it killed tampa. "
" Oh dang. "
" Yeah , but at least school was canceled? "
" No, im just happy it hit tampa because they deserve it. "

-Fellow Miami personnel
by Themanwhopostedsomething September 29, 2022
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A beautiful Italian muff muncher with seduction skills that ultimately becomes your one true amore...
Oh look, there's a young hurricane over there. This is what love at first sight must feel like!
by oldhurricane June 15, 2023
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A snowboarder who is extremely talented in the ways of park riding. He or she can spin on and off rails, press to the sky, boost massive jumps, hips, and gaps, and look good doing it. Style is key for a 'Young Hurricane'. If he or she doesn't like the way a trick looked, he or she will redo it.
Young Hurricane's run through the park included a backside cork 1080, frontside 270 lipslide to fakie, and a switch frontside 180 tailpress backside 360 out.
by EatSmokeHustleCheese January 15, 2012
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The act of spining the male genital in a circular motion while pissing. This is commonly used to show dominance.
"Did you hear, Bob did The Floridian Hurricane too show his dominance.
by advar February 2, 2022
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