The act of what happens after a night of amazing Latin Cuisine!
Man, after I left el nopals I got a Chipotle gift when I got home and blew out my torlet!
by Robodad7344 November 9, 2021
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A low-income person who trundels a wheelbarrow all around town on Christmas morning and collects the lumps of coal that Santa left in the stockings of all the bratty youngsters, so that he can take it back home and burn it in his stove for heat.
As we all know, Santa is extremely careful about determining who's actually been naughty or nice ("He's makin' a list, and checkin' it twice"), and so quite a significant percentage of the children in any given area will probably receive high-grade anthracite as their Christmas present. A naughty-gift scavenger, therefore, should have little trouble filling up his 'barrow come Christmas Day, since most parents wouldn't want "that dirty black stuff" in their houses, anyway, and thus they would probably be all too happy to be rid of it; about the only families who would likely tell him no would be fellow-indigent folks who themselves would want to use said sooty lumps in their own furnaces.
by QuacksO February 16, 2019
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v. When someone convinces someone else not to give you a gift, especially when you did, in fact, want a gift; similar to jock block
Your mom: Oh, he doesn't need a gift. Save your money, buy yourself something nice. He would want it.

Gifter: Ok, if you're sure...

You (quietly): Oh... I've been gift blocked...
by fluffy8u January 3, 2011
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October 30th is National give your boyfriend a gift day. No matter what on this day you have to show your love and affection by getting your boyfriend a gift.
“OMG it’s national give your boyfriend a gift day I need to go get him a gift!”
by amayer October 19, 2023
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The anxiety of the time between purchasing a gift and giving it to the intended recipient due to worrying about whether or not the recipient will like the gift.
I bought a tacky wolf shirt for a friend but in the month before I gave it to him before his birthday I had a horrible case of Gift Giving Anxiety.
by PumpkinPieToLoveBug January 29, 2011
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A name of a punishment for child molesters in prison. the other inmates hold the predator in showers down doggy style. and one or more inmates grab broom sticks and proceed to shove them down the child molesters asshole. and proceed to beat him to a pulp. He or she would be very lucky to be alive when it's over.
Inmate 1 Hey man you see the dude over there he's in here for raping a young child
Inmate 2. Ok I'll tell my bunk mates to come to showers at 8 am we got a give this guy a pedo's welcome gift
by RetroWhiteHat October 17, 2020
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Mich ist gift wegen... MICH IST GIFT ~Unge
Unge Kommentiert: Milch ist Gift
by xXUnderscoreXx April 20, 2018
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