EVERY friend group ever.

every friend group will show their true colors as they feel more comfortable with you and others, friends are the main power supply to these sources of insanity.

Friend groups are the reincarnation of insanity itself more extreme than the definition of poopyhead (search it up its hilarious in this)

Make sure to be aware of the power of insanity this will drive you into.
by opluyzed October 5, 2021
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Doing the same thing over and over like the last two years and expecting a different result🇺🇸
Sierra believing her friendship would last with Caleb is insanity.
by Factchecker72 December 22, 2021
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goal for a person who want to be different
!i achieved insanity
by unranked September 6, 2017
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The act of doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, much like the Old-School RuneScape user Yx, who is a homophobe and places chairs and rope under lgbt players trying to tell them to kill themselves, and makes jokes about mass shootings.
NutsAndTits: Yx is so mad that they are failing at this. I'll take the free items though.
Rayquazas: Yx, you know the definition of insanity right?
Yx: no what?
Tehnubness: Exactly what you are doing, and failing at.
by Yx Is A POS March 31, 2023
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