getting romantically flustered from an action or something someone has said. After witnessing your said person doing something like this, you will be immediately attracted to them.
kathy: omg im giggling and gaggling!! the guy in this book is so fine.
hot mama: girrrll what did I tell you!! i knewww you would understand
by meavagemary November 10, 2022
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An event or action that is used to enduce the giggles. The event that is used would be later on used excessively everyday for a long period of time thus causeing the material to become annoying
Jim: Yo you see that drunk guy fall down them stairs!
Jake: Yeah holy shit! Thats giggle material!

1 week later

Jim: DUDE!? remember that drunk gu-
Jake: okay.. shut the fuck up!
by Za Dom January 24, 2010
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The act of deficating on a women, or male. As the human excroment runs down there face they begin to giggles
I totally "shnitz and giggles" your ex girlfriend last night. She was totally into it.
by Notched Johnson February 20, 2009
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A term that describes a way of politely and delicately laughing after a joke.
His joke was kind of funny it made me giggle petitely
by 1427252 October 16, 2023
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best and most GOATed discord server ever.
"have you checked conversation pit in giggle pod? jade sent bowser tits again."
by aphexfinn January 9, 2022
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Another word for weed.
It gets it's meaning from that weed makes you giggle and the word noodles from ramen noodles for which stoners normally eat after getting stoned.
Dude 1: I'm gonna go get some giggle noodles.
Dude 2 (unknowing): Um.... yea, I could go for some spaghetti also.
Dude 1: Yea, after I eat my giggle noodles.
by omgwtfbbbqqq February 11, 2009
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When you make a sex joke or you and someone are talking dirty and it's making you blush.
Paul told me the things he was going to do to me that night and I replied back , "Giggle Giggity"
by Janae Owens July 29, 2015
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