my girl was snoring so i just pulled a louisiana crunch cake in her mouth to shut her up
by lilLasagna December 6, 2019
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something you slip into a sentence like a roofie into a drink at the local pub
those crunch words really make my essay look bad I think i need another drink
by KoolKidKroom September 9, 2018
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Uptight annoying abrasive asswipe who complains about insignificant things
That dude complained his ice cream is too cold ... what a crunch butt!
by BillyBaroo June 30, 2018
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Raping in the anal region. Sometimes by a group of people.
In the popular game critter crunch, after you defeat another player, a crowd of small animals attack and appear to gang rape the helpess avatar. after the dust clears the avatar is seen twitching on the ground and is covered in dust and what appears to be semen.
He was subjected to critter crunching on his first day in prison
by Pedroelmo October 7, 2010
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An amazing person no matter what people say. To start off making this amazing person, begun with a base of funny af, next add on sweetness and niceness, lastly add in sexy. This man is a 1 in 7.8 billion chance and if you get to meet him you are lucky. Sir Orbit will always stick by your side no matter what. He isn't the smartest of the group but definitely is always the funniest. (Please approve this. My friend (Sir Orbit) is actually a really nice guy.)
Person 1: Bro Sir Orbit Crunch is so funny!
Person 2: Not to mention he's super nice!

Sir Orbit Crunch: Just an awesome person
by Sebsomeone. March 1, 2022
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