The feeling of disgust after climax when watching porn. Dubbed "The Shyamalan Effect" because, like M. Knight Shyamalan's movies, masturbation has a mediocre twist ending that makes you question why you wasted time on it.
Some Guy: Yo y'know that feeling when you splooge and like immediately feel gross?

Me, an Intellectual: Ahhh yes.. The Shyamalan Effect.
by exoheck July 15, 2018
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When your workplace fucks you harder than the town bike but you think you're still in front
He thought he deserved that promotion but we all knew he was being absolutely raped. The Townley Effect had him by the ballbag
by #BA DDTB November 3, 2022
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The observation that one can’t be right without some degree of completely contradictory stupidity involved.
A: What the hell put Trump into power?
B: Fuck, if I know...
A: It’s so stupid. His whole campaign was the dumbest shit ever.
B: Maybe that’s how he won.
C: *raises nerd glasses* Umm, actually, you’re merely noting a common correlation: The Stupid Effect. Please get back to me when someone(s) finds a proper causal link.
by angeredcanadian69 December 28, 2018
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The okc effect is when you continue chatting with someone on okc instead of meeting them. Usually, it sets in about 10 minutes into a chat, potentially earlier. After onset of the okc effect, one or both chatters get unrealistically high hopes based on a false sense of intimacy. In turn, the okc effect becomes a vicious circle. The pressure of meeting becomes higher and higher, so you continue chatting and chatting.
Dood 1: I've been chatting for weeks with this totally hot guy on okc. He's super cool.

Dood 2: when are you gonna hook up man?
Dood 1: soon, maybe next weekend.

Dood 2: dude, totz okc effect! You ain't never meeting. You're too chicken shit he may be fugly.
by IkuraEater July 28, 2014
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When an individual has sparked so many controversies, that the general public has become numb towards the individual's bigotry and/or insensitivity, and only use the individual's controversies for shock value and virality. The Azealia Effect is named after popular female rapper and controversial figure, Azealia Banks, as she herself has been in various controversies over the decade.
"Why no one cancel Kendrick Lamar for saying homophobic slurs?"

"Male privilege, perhaps? A bigotted fanbase? maybe even The Azealia Effect?"

*GASP* "You Didn't"
by hiraikills July 6, 2022
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A sentence used in any conversation that will make your friends stop talking and will do 1 of 2 things:
1. They will genuinely act surprised, like they don't know what the fuck happened
2. They will stop talking and will be weirded by the fact that you randomly just said that
Tyler: yo what's going o-
Jacob: loud and potentially surprising sound effect
Tyler: (surprised af)
by SoggyWeetBix69420 March 16, 2021
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Covid-19 effect is when a pandemic breaks out and a lot of people doesn't seem to understand that we need to quarantine ourselves for the pandemic to blow over and for life to get back to normal.
guy 1: do you remember 2020?
guy 2: yeah that year had such a Covid-19 effect.
guy 1: a lot of idiots didn't seem to understand we had to distance ourselves for the virus to die.
guy 2: Crazy...
by Bee_Softy May 18, 2020
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