When you dip your fingers in whiskey and shove them inside a woman to see if it burns her, tells if she has an STD
Gave that bitch a whiskey test before I hit it!
by CHIEF_Rico June 2, 2019
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When you can’t get a boner for sex, but have sex anyways. With 2 DIFFERENT people
You were beyond hammered last night, and you nailed both of them?
You had to be double dippin your whiskey bits brah
by Urnicus72 February 19, 2018
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not my area of professional expertise
man 1 ): how did Hitler commit suicide: by taking a cyanide pill or shooting himself in the head?

man 2) no bloody idea. this is not my brand of whiskey, I'm a biochemist anyways. go to a history department, they may be able to help you there.
by Sexydimma June 6, 2012
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When a clitoris is so numbed by alcohol that you can pound that shot all day. And there will no effect.
When a bitch gets Whiskey clit, it’s like taking a butter knife to a diamond.
by Karrrrlito January 22, 2019
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Verb (past tense)

1) To be exceptionally braggadocios prior to suffering a humiliating defeat

2) To perform demonstrably better than a competitor, yet see that competitor advance in your place
1) Man, we thought we had that tournament in the bag but we got Whiskey-Ducked. Better luck next year, I guess

2) Dude, how did I get Whiskey-Ducked out a spot in the elite 8?! I won two more games than Kevin!
by comgrad24 September 21, 2023
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Noun, the phenomenon where the drinker (typically of whiskey) crosses the line between amiable drunkeness and becomes a miserable fucking cunt.


The name given to the metaphorical chastity belt imposed by a normally sexually generous woman in response to outrageously drunken conduct.
Mark, "I got so cunted last night I crossed the whiskey barrier and became so fucking depressed I could have cut my own head off if I was not so uncoordinated."


Barry, "I'll just have just the one tonight, I am feeling fucking horny and I don't want the missus to drop the whiskey barrier like last time."
by Grandsire November 18, 2018
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When someone drinks too much and cannot achieve organism during inter course.
I took 1 too many shots of tequila and could not bust a nut for the life of me. “Sorry baby, I totally have whiskey cum
by Rfits79 February 12, 2022
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