A weird but sweet guy. Looks tough and mean on the outside but is actually a big, sweet goofball. Has a big heart, but an even bigger cock. :)
That guy over there, Ty Dohrman, is really weird but cool.
by dlfkamjhdbsflkasdfasdf February 17, 2021
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he is an amazing, talented, smart, kind, funny, handsome, sexy, even better than Ethan Dolan Jk he's a bitch :)
sarah: Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that guy is such a ty linkletter!!!
Tifany: do you even know what that means?
by TyLinklettersLover April 29, 2019
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Used to have waves but joined the curly gang wave.
Yo can you grab me a Curly-Scalp Ty
by Jamesanderson123 September 20, 2021
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Ty-Ty is a nickname for Tyler. He is usually cute, funny, and smart. He will always stick with you in the hard times. Overall, Tyler makes a good boyfriend.
Ty-Ty is my boyfriend, and I won't let him go.
by Tylerfren March 1, 2022
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