When a girls butthole turns blue from pushing so hard during labor
Kayla had blue starfish last night when she shit out my kid.
by Kawishane January 19, 2021
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1.) A particular breed of Southern Kentucky asshole.

2.) The best sphincter you've seen all day.
3.) A butthole that is of Remy Lecroix or Shia LaBeouf status.
4.)Anything that is the cremé da la cremé may be referred to as The Kentucky Starfish
Wow, I'd tongue-punch that Kentucky Starfish!

Well isn't that an adorable Kentucky Starfish?

Honey!, Look at that Kentucky Starfish.

fartbox booty butthole sphincter anus
by BoxBuster August 24, 2015
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starfish’s mouths are in the middle of their body so when a mermaid has starfish instead of seashells they suck tit all day. So starfishing sucking your girls tit
We were just starfishing while cuddling.
by Joeykatsumata July 29, 2019
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When one lays spread-Eagle and naked due to heat exhaustion
Kim was starfishing on the bed after a day spent sweating in the sun
by culluchi July 19, 2016
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When the fist of a lucky individual is inserted inside of a female, and then the fingers are expanded to their full length, and the palm is extended as far as possible inside of the woman. This action typically results in immediate female orgasm, and can sometimes be harmful for less experienced women.
Jessica: Joey was starfishing me last night, and I came.
Adriana: Yea, I wish my boyfriend would starfish me!
by contactonthesmash44 May 9, 2018
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Verb. Used to describe a Starfisher actively hunting for the Muddy Starfish.

A Starfisher is often muddy when seen by daylight having pur forth their best efforts since the crack of dawn. They steele themselves with a rock hard determination to erect themselves amongst their peers as a competent Starfisher. They Starfish to hunt the Muddy Starfish, a morsel quite difficult to poach despite any Starfishers best efforts. Upon sight of a Starfish, he will do his best to examine the animal to the best of his ability, often conducting visual and often oral examinations of the starfish doing his best not to spook it. This is because Starfish are quite contained and shy creatures by nature, often choosing to emit a stench laden secretion in order to protect itself and seem less appetizing to larger prey, often fleeing at first site of a Starfisher in their natural habitat. It is quite hard to catch a starfish, and as an old adage goes, a caught starfish was willing to be caught.

The closer cousin, the Aggressive Muddy Starfish is however quite a different animal. It pres exclusively on its lesser kin and as a general rule is avoided by a seasoned Starfisher. This is due to their penchant to bite and scratch when attacked or orientated upside down. This starfish requires special CDC authorized gear to handle safely, quickly escalating its microaggressions into full temper tantrums.
Starfishers are a snotty bunch who maybe undeservedly have a crappy job, but they sure dont take it in stride when Starfishing!
by Willius Kensington Clarksbury November 19, 2019
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