A blonde bitch, that will pretend to be your best friend but go behind your back and have sex with your boyfriend!! It spends all day shopping online spending the money it doesn't have because its to lazy to get a job. A sarah is basically as FAKE as they come. So if you see a sarah run in the other direction, and hide your boyfriend!
Girl 1 : Whos that girl flirting with your boyfriend???

Girl 2: Thats a sarah
by THATGIRL January 13, 2014
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The most beautiful girl in the world. A sex goddess. She is always happy and lights up the universe with her smile. She is super ticklish but HATES it when you scare her. She loves smoothies, running, and four-leaf clovers, and also loves watching her boyfriend struggle to her house on his bicycle. But he says yes because, well, who wouldn't--he's dating the sweetest girl on the planet.
Hey have you met that Sarah girl?
Yeah, she's a dime.
Yep. I totally wish I was that Eliah kid.
by LuckiestGuyEvah July 28, 2013
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Sarah is a blunt blunt person. She always tells the truth and this leads to ridicule at time. She has one kidney because she was ran over by a milkvan bahahahah it was reversing, how stupid of her.
Example one:
Do you like me?
No, you're shit.
Oi!! Don't go all sarah on me.

Example two:
How on earth did you fall up the down escalators?
I dunno, must be the Sarah in me.
by dotdotdot99999 April 20, 2012
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A girl who stole the one guy in school who had a crush on me.
"Sarah and 'Him' are walking over here, gosh shes such a bitch!"
by Juliet1985 November 14, 2016
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A perfect person. Is always the best around and will be top first.
I am Sarah you are not
by Sarah is better July 16, 2016
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Someone that is really mean and never actually showers. Most commonly you will find her sitting alone in corners while summoning a demon. She also can be found crushing on the few people that hang around her.
That person is such a Sarah!!
by DemonMan123 February 22, 2018
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A girl who is kind, friendly and caring towards the people she loves. She may get angry easily but will forgive a second later. She doesn't usually fall in love with others but when she does she gets very emotionally attached and if the person does not love her back she will strive to make him/her love her back. Is very clingy in a relationship but reliable and will always be there for you when you need her. She is the type of girl who puts her lover before herself and will think and talk about him/her 24/7.
Person 1 - Hey you know that girl Sarah?
Person 2 - Yeah?
Person 1 - She's been talking about Jack again.
Person 2 - DAMMIT I wish I was Jack!
Person 1 - You wish.
by LmaoFood November 13, 2016
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