App that is used for social media
By: Isabella Carmen Rodriguez
Follow me on tik tok: vansffthewall173
by By: Isabella carmen Rodriguez November 11, 2019
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an app that is my life, an app that is my home charli is my mom and chase is my dad and we are a happy family. tik tok is so beautiful i wish i found it sooner. you can find my tik tok
gee i love tik tok
by tik tok is god February 27, 2020
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Tik Tok is an app, where you can lip sync to a song, and upload it. The app was originally called, but a chinese company bought it, and renamed it to Tik Tok. The app is fulfilled with cyberthots, fuckboys, trolls, gamers, furries, old people, and "comedians".
Those furries on Tik Tok, tho...
by redbird6 November 17, 2018
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as of 2020, the platform full of talentless "dancers" who either sway their arms or shake their butt that is flatter than paper or bobble their head in front of a camera and making a fortune. It is also full of cringe footnote 9 year olds that record their fortnite character dancing on their tv for 15 seconds of fame. Also if you dare to make a hip hop song in 2020 it will result in some 13 year old white girl dancing to in by shaking their butt and everyone saying "That song is from Tik tok"
"Omg that song is from Tik tok"
by Natokado November 18, 2020
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tik tok tik tok... a ticking cancer.

Another word for:
Dangerously Stupid Extreme Sports
Head Shrinker
Stage 4 Cancer
Mind Reverse-aging
Brain Damage
James: Hey mommy! Look at my tik tok.(in a girly voice)
James's mom: What the hell has happened to you.
James: Tee hee, I'm a Tik Toker.
James's mom: We're going to the hospital.

At the hospital

Doctor: Your "son" has been diagnosed with tiktok also known as brain damage.
by Laxer35 February 20, 2023
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definition 1: an "addicting" app that replaced musically and honestly made it bad. people will cancel you for anything.
definition 2: an awesome song. the only valid tik tok.
definition 1: my nine year old sister won't get off that dumb tik tok app!
definition 2: omg, tik tok is one of my favorite songs!
by dogs4lifeee February 11, 2022
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