To spend long periods of time on one's front porch. Usually involves music, conversation and some form of inebriates. May also involve food, especially food produced from a grill.
I'm just planning to sail the porch tonight, you can come hang, too.
by tehamahreha February 28, 2009
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Vulva. Also known as “the bit on the front”
The external genitals of the human female.

Often confused with the vagina by human males.
Great date, mate. Ended up spending the night sheltering under her vagina porch.
by D. D. D. September 6, 2023
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A chill, or laid back person of Hispanic descent.
Juan is really easy to get along with. He’s a real porch taco
by Maverix91 July 8, 2020
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The most important time and piece of furniture in the poor white America. If not for a porch couch family's wouldn't get fresh air. Boys would never learn to finger bang. Ferrel cats wouldn't have a safe place to birth kittens. When pappy comes home drunk he wouldn't have a place to pass out and piss himself. It ties not only the family but the neighborhood together.
Amanda Lynn is coming over today to hang out on the porch couch. But didn't pappy sleep on it last night and piss himself? Oh it's OK we will flip the cushion and push the liter of kittens to the back. I'm going to be finger blasting tonight.
by Glenn Roberts March 21, 2022
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What blacks, Mexicans, Indians, Asians, and any other race call white people sitting outside trying to enjoy their day and socialize.
Look at that family, it's not uncommon to see a porch polar bear or five way down in this part of Alabama this time of year.
by Solid Mantis September 14, 2016
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