When you friend is lying say dog emoji
Jesus- I get bitches
Joaquin- dog emoji
by Vozhx_ May 12, 2022
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Say dog emoji when a friend is lying to you
Jesus- I get bitches

Ja’Nye- Dog emoji
by Vozhx_ May 12, 2022
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When your poor ass too broke, and you got an old ass phone that can't keep up to date with new emoji, so all you see are blocks. Your ass blind to everybody's culturally appropriate shrugs, thoughtful smiley faces, and tacos.
Girlfriend: 🤷🏻 ♀️🤷🏻 ♀️
You: I can't see that. I'm emoji blind
by wokeupinapanic October 5, 2017
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you added "my" after emoji to see what would come up
You: This emoji is my emoji
well at least 100 people have used that one
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a croissant emoji is a way of continuing a conversation without knowing how to
Person 1: Hey
Person 2:Hey
Person 1: My grandma broke her back
Person 2: :croissant emoji:
by Yaba Daba Doo! September 7, 2023
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small ear piercing, used to show what mood the wearer is in
"whats up with that dude having 4 studs in one ear"
"they're just his ear emoji, relax"
by slutslayer5000 September 15, 2013
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