The process of recieving inspiration from animals while having sex. Having sex like animals usually on nature programs on the Discovery Channel. The way animals have sex (no shame) rough, animal-like, frenzied sex.

Orginated in Bloodhound Gang songs.
Man, we were really Discovery channelling last night!

Hey baby, I would like to do some Discovery channelling with you tonight.
by chachee90 December 1, 2010
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A chat that is being flooded with messages and is hard / impossible to keep in track of what is going on,
similar to the game PUBG (Player unknown's battle grounds) where at the beginning people are just screaming random shit before the game start
Man that chat on Lofi Girl's youtube is just a PUBG Channel
by fill the pute April 26, 2022
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Boy: Hey, have you seen Red Head Channels new video?!?
Girl: Yeah he's so dreamy!!!'
by Hey Boris December 22, 2016
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Previously a user on FACEBOOK when FACEBOOK use to be fun but now is dangerous as
can be because you have to disclose your personal private family name. I don't like DORSEY'S Twitter

field at all it goes nowhere. I flip the bird off switch.
The OMNISCIENT CHANNELS is very interested now in URBAN DICKTIONARY as I have a wager
if allowed to, before you go public with my LIFE LONG project I can make you a 200 BILLION DOLLAR
company and it won't take long. I have the wares without violating any intellectual property because
frankly I know music and I have written over 7,000 OK to about 2,500 excellent songs. OMNISCIENT CHANNELS was not kidding about ODD at least she absconded with SPACE BACK even though the rest
may have been an emulation. Please accept this as my application WAT(SON) T-CELL , (WARREN)T ) and OMNISCIENT CHANNELS IS BACK.And by the way this is ZUCKER , A MAROON FIVE SONG , SUGAR
by SHITEATING RIMJOB March 25, 2021
Disney channel teen
I made you this big breakfast and you only ate a slice of toast, you’re just like a Disney channel teen
by Duckburger January 31, 2022
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A channel that shows scary movies with actors and actresses that people never heard of.
Hey turn too the Chiller Channel
No those movies are wack and they're not scary.
by C.R.B June 3, 2011
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