Sticking a hand held electronic mixer shoving it in a girl vagina on her period an turn it on from high to low. This is how a red pancake is made or how a blue waffle is started.
by Jonney blender March 17, 2017
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male that constantly beats his meat with a penis under 1 inch in length
Brandon is a midget beater
by Jacob eat June 25, 2018
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A willing hookup participant when no decent options are available.
Did you see that beater cock Mary came home with last night? Must have been slim pickings at the saloon. She definitely got an STD
by Dolemite Jones March 14, 2022
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When you have sex with your girl and she starts her Pright after.
"Babe I just started my period." "Good thing we banged first. Talk about the Dick that beat the Buzzer! Yeah Buzzer Beater Dick!
by CATALYST O.S. June 8, 2023
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The affliction, common in frequent masturbaters in which one's jizz is stuck in his urethra to where it's glued shut and his piss can't break through it, resulting in two streams of urine coming out of his dick when it finally decides to punch through.
John: Guys, you'll never believe this, I went to go pee, and two streams of pee came out of my penis!

Joe: Looks like you've got a severe case of Beater's Bluff.

by Brockollama January 13, 2012
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When things are going good in your life and think you’re on the path to the next stage, then bam! Buzzer beater fuck up
Jim: “Hey John, how are things going with that girl you’re talking to? Moving on to the next step yet?”

John: “Not good. Another buzzer beater fuck up and I’m back to nothing”
by welfare.wayne February 24, 2022
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Funny word/term for another dude's hands. Implying that he masturbates often/impulsively :)
Yo Dawg!? How about you stop touchy all the chips with your dirty ass Peter Beaters !
by Bigmike8045 June 28, 2019
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