Taking a feather from a bird, ejaculating on it and freezing it. Generally used to tickle a womans vagina during intercourse.
Steve: So James, did you fuck Sarah last night?"
James:Yeah man it was great but she ran off after I attempted a Tennessee Tickler on her."
Steve: "Fuck that bro, never fuck a girl who won't take a Tennessee Tickler."
by Peter Putter December 2, 2017
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Long mustache hairs that tickle your upper lip.
Rusty has a real lip tickler!
by Pussy Snatcher June 20, 2014
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A cheek tickler is something or someone that is cute. Reference to your ass cheeks tickling when you see cuteness.
Aww that little girl is such a cheek tickler!
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When you stick your nose in the female vagina whilst she is rubbing her pubic hair on the top of your nose
Damn you is ticklin my nose, you’s must be a nose tickler”
by Anolehairy September 30, 2020
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A semi-mythical Kung Fu sex move whereby the master is said to possess the ability to rattle a lady’s internal organs to oblivion using just his manhood (or so it feels after a few jars at the football club) -A bit like the mystical five point punch exploding heart trick in Kill Bill
Steve thought he had given Maria a real North Tawton Kidney Tickler when he came home from the club on Saturday but actually he had just passed out and shit his pants after whipping his cock out
by Petting Zoo Pete August 20, 2019
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I say old boy, what’s that between your legs? It looks like a right Liver Tickler
by DCor January 20, 2023
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Someone who tickles rectums. Its pretty self explanatory. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Stay away from my anus, you rectum tickler!"
by WhiteKnightLuffy September 17, 2016
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