Used before a statement of agreement to indicate that the speaker doesn't particularly approve of foul (or just plain rude) language.
Driver: What the hell's this cocksucker doing here? This is the fast lane and he's driving like my gramps!

Passenger: I don't agree with the language, but you're right.
by Stupidly Sophisticated March 1, 2023
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The best High School ever where the omega god Sebby and the beautiful man baby Edison run Ms Chang’s Chinese class because we’re such scholars 🌚
girl #1: “hey do u go to Queens High School for Language Studies?”
girl #2: “yea that’s where sebby goes to the fine brown hair curly headed boy 😍😍😍😍😍 ”
girl #1: “OMG FR??? i just might have to transfer there since he’s there 😩😩😩”
girl #2: “nah back off Yeo he’s mine respectfully
by definemaster123 November 6, 2021
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it’s always a good sign you’re baked if you have one of these. this is when all the knowledge from Spanish I in high school kick in and you realize how beautiful other languages are.
friend 1: i’m having a language moment

friend 2: really? say something

friend 1: puedo ir al baño?
by fuckalight March 2, 2019
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A "language" of someone who has never touched grass, and commonly lies about doing so.
Some 9 year old: "you fell off, you toxic salty cringe tryhard"
You, an absolute chad: "grassn't language haha"
by rgvz January 24, 2022
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A language in which all words ending in "r" are replaced with an "a."

Also known as Anglican Dialect.
Person A: Are you going to do an extracurricula activity?

Person B: Yes, I am going to the Conna club to speak Conna Language.
by Nived Yllek >:) September 20, 2022
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A real languaged spoken by <10 people in the New England region.

The language consists of each word ending in the letter "a."

Ex. particula, conna, extracurricular, etc.

Orgins are found in early Connecticut based on "baby" language
Person A: Do you speak Conna language?

Person B: No, I speak English.
by Nived Yllek >:) September 20, 2022
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