This is a math law in which a person needs to know how to use a clock. This is a new way of math and It will open your eyes to new ways of thinking,learning, and humanity. So when you do this math you have to be looking at a clock. For example someone says “what’s 3 times 3”. It would be 6 because 3 “TIMES”(like a clock) 3 would be 6 because that’s what is 3 hours after. Now just use this math the rest of your life.
The time law of expression is used like this. “Hey bro, what’s 2 times 5?” .“7” “oohhhh The ryans Time law of expression” “yessirrr
by Inmyprime May 4, 2021
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Shitting on someone's chest though an open sunroof.
I almost got an indecent exposure charge after giving her a Cleveland Chicago Express.
by BigDrew77 April 21, 2022
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When you are a peak male and mustn't bring the groceries inside the house with more than one trip. Only 1 fully-loaded grocery run will suffice.
Wife: how the hell are you gonna get 3 kegs, 12 packs of tube steaks, 28 bags of backwoods and 7 jugs of milk in the apartment in one trip?
Me(alpha): Trans-Siberian Express.
by Harvey HugeCock June 1, 2021
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When you put Vicks vapor rub on your lips and then give an icy, refreshing ass eating.
Becky: Phillip you're eating my ass so good, why does it feel so icy and refreshing?!
Philip: *smiles with a shit eating grin* I'm giving you the ole polar express baby.
by talllankyjew December 14, 2017
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A piece of media, usually a film or TV Show, that has a leitmotif or main theme that is played whenever something mildly interesting happens.
"God, that main theme can really get annoying. It's like the show has Polar Express Syndrome.
by Twostie June 21, 2021
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A magical place that defies the laws of physics; the staff won't remember your visit, and no-one saw it happen

The phrase comes from a popular pizza eatery in Woking that may be cited as an alibi whenever you're accused of something that you definitely did, but don't want to admit.
I can't have had sex with my good friend's trafficked child prostitute because on the night in question I was in Woking Pizza Express.
by Flangetta November 23, 2019
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Taking a massive hit of LSD and tripping balls for several hours straight.
Angelos put so many hits of LSD into my fruit salad and now I'm going to be riding the Julius express.
by The Voodoo September 25, 2013
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