The word "Nodual" comes from the Latin "nodus" meaning "knot" or "kink".

Nodual Attraction refers to the type of attraction that involves a desire to engage in kinky or BDSM-oriented encounters or relationships.

This does not automatically include a sexual attraction and is non-sexual for some.
Nodual attraction often involves a shared interest in exploring power dynamics within a relationship.

He feels a nodual attraction to partners with a dominant personality.

They feel nodually attracted to people who are smaller than them.

She usually experiences a nodual attraction to masochists.
by RubinRosa April 30, 2024
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Often abbreviated as IAAD. When people (particularly females in general) use social media to express their emotions, and leave it to their friends to ask why they feel the way they do.
Status - "I am shocked and outraged!!!"

Comment - " OMG! Why??"

Comment from the uploader - "*relentless venting of feelings and thoughts to draw attention*"

Jake: Woah, that chick has I-Attention-Attraction Disorder
by Themockingjayfromcandor June 7, 2014
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The Raj Attraction is a psychological phenomenon that leads a man to think that a woman is attracted to him just because she looked in his general direction.
Raja: Guys this girl looked at me

Us: but we’re 12 of us here

Raja: No no, she wants me

Us: Thats the Raj Attraction
by Lousinator22 December 13, 2019
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When someone is too attractive to ignore but not attractive to be entranced by them.
I hate being around her, she’s so distractingly attractive
by Dyloog TGL March 21, 2019
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Yes! I'm pretty sure I wrote about that! That's exactly how it works!
Iam "Yes. I think I wrote about The Binomial Distribution Intersexual Attractiveness Graph in reference to Kevin Samuels once. He never let women rate themselves a 7 out of 10 (because that's what everyone always choose) and I pointed out that they were doing that because they were CORRECT. The Binomial Distribution Intersex Attractiveness Graph shows that the average man would exist at the peek of the bell curve at a 5 out of 10 and the peek of the female bell curve would make the average woman a 7 out of 10. I was just thinking about that! I can't believe someone else picked that up! Hilarious. I did I draw a graph for that on too? Damn. I wish I had access to all my stuff."
by Hym Iam August 4, 2023
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You want to know? Since men apparently don’t know I will teach you.
Hym “You want to know how to make yourself attractive to women? Here’s what you do: make $100,000 or more a year (or have parents who make that much) OR have a fat cock (Ideally both. BOTH is LITERALLY the ideal). Now, you could say ‘Well, studies show that *blah blah blah*’ but the studies don’t account for the outliers and this does. List all of the qualities you think women are attracted to. Will women select outside of those qualities for a man with a fat cock or $100,000+ a year? Yes. Which is why you see men who don’t meet the criteria that is supposedly required to attract women still attracting women. It’s why you need to rely on the caveat of ‘short term vs long term’ selection. Fat cocks and money.”
by Hym Iam October 17, 2022
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The scale of attraction is the 1-10 rating system of used to describe both men and woman, mainly by physical attractiveness. There may be multiple ratings for one person for different characteristics or parts of body, or just one. It is usually used to simplify the act of describing how one thinks of another's body. Because of this, the rating of one often differs from someone else's rating.
"... so on the scale of attraction, I think Rose is a rocky 6 or 5"
"nah man, the ass is there, but no tits and she has a butter face, I'd give her a 4"

"Jacob's personality is a solid 8, but his looks are a 5"
by anti swag September 7, 2016
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