A Twitter slang to burst someone's ego (by doing some reality check)

Basically, it's a sarcastic and passive-aggressive way to say: listen faggot, you're not special. You're not a beautiful and unique special snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
by Sir. B July 7, 2022
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when someone says or does something with confidence and pride as if they did a good job, when in reality they did less than mediocre.
bitch i will beat you tf up

girl stfu you thought you ate
by dojadog.1 September 19, 2022
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It's a rhetorical question you say when somebody is on some other shit and/or acting all cocky
"What you just did is morally unacceptable, I'm going to expose you and hope you learn your lesson."
"Who do you think you are, Judge Judy?? LOL."
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It's a rhetorical question you say when somebody is on some other shit and/or acting all cocky
"What you just did is morally unacceptable, I'm going to expose you and hope you learn your lesson."
"Who do you think you are, Judge Judy?? LOL."
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 31, 2021
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It canonically comes here when it feels like it, it only forgives you once, and you can't tell that it's him... And not ME Hym bit HIM him.... And not "Hyman" either... That fucking jackass...
Hym "Real cute but try not to do that to the thing that decides what happens to you when you die... Because you will die and blackness forever is going to be the best case scenario for some of you..."
by Hym Iam February 23, 2023
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When you mind your own business and do what brings you happiness and joy without worrying what other people have to say.
You do you and don't worry about what others think.
by Kopf Consulting September 11, 2021
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