Glue that are always more than one wheter or not the mode of transport allows it.
There go the weather glues, no thought for travel laws
by GeorgeLawson January 29, 2018
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While a male ejaculates and swings his genitals. Getting the sperm everywhere. Swung glue.
by Noodleguts December 29, 2021
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When you roll joints using envelopes and seal it together licking the glue. THen get fucking twacked from the glue and bleach and start hitting your forehead against a nail to get the cock roaches out from behind your skull.
I smoked so much envelope joints I think I got glue lung.
by JAM IN THE TOE March 23, 2020
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The act of jizzing into one's eyeball in a fashion similar to eye drops.
"Dude what happened to ashley?"-Dudebro1
"You mean with the whole black glasses and shit?"-Dudebro2
"Her boyfriend glue droppin' and now she's blind"-Dudebro2
by Sollathar November 17, 2014
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A stupid fucking idiot imbecile that would sniff glue to get a ‘high’
Did you see martyna today? She’s such a glue pot
I loved my food for lunch today, but some fucking glue pot took it
by traveljunkie88 June 6, 2019
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The sperm left after you've had a wank in the bath, that you dodge as you quickly try to exit, but somehow sticks to an unusual part of your body.

N.b. Will not rub in, but will willingly stick to the towel.
dude, knocked one out in the bath last night, was covered in bath glue.
by Whatspauldoing September 17, 2022
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A gooey mix of semen and vaginal wetness.
My girlfriend and I made a hefty batch of vagina glue last night.
by jmanbro November 23, 2015
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