When you wake up with a tater between your legs, and Randy will never understand. When your tater is so big, it has its own Volleyball team. #TeamTater
by Iliveinthegutter May 30, 2018
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a female with small "tots" or boobs.
Hey, have you seen Tater around today?
by Taterhater2010 May 6, 2010
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A slang for potato.
Jim: Hey, can we eat some taters for lunch?
by Dinkous November 17, 2020
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Mike went to Cindy's lastnight to get some tater.
by RCJ April 26, 2019
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Janice said that Taylor's new album is only so-so. She's such a tater.
by LordAlgebro May 7, 2023
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Tater is the cutest dog in the world! He is caring, some might say he has human tendencies. He loves his owner and shares the same fears and interest!
Person: tater and you are just alike!!
Owner: I know right, he’s the cutest
by Ring104 September 3, 2019
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An Anglo-Irish delicacy in which it consists of 99.9% of their diet.
Father Pat lured with a succulent tater and then violated me
by Don't be Sr1ous December 23, 2019
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