There is nobady as loving caring funny happy smart talented and loveable as an Emily. She is shy at first but when you get to know her she is a fire cracker. She will become your best friend instantly. Weather she is in the pool or walking down the hallways with you, she always finds a way to make your day. Emily is someone you can tell anything to. You can put your trust in her. I wish everyone had an Emily in their life. The brown haired blue eyed girl with the freckles. I am proud to call her my best friend. She is loyal and in the 9 years we’ve spent as best friends I’ve learned that she can ALWAYS find a way to put a smile on your face. She keeps your secrets safe. And if her friend is hurt she will hunt down the person that hurt her friend and teach them a lesson or two. She has this way of keeping you in this state of mind where everything is perfect. That is when you see the true wonderful personality of Emily. I wish I could spend 24/7 with her. She will become more than just a friend, she will become your sister. Unlike sisters you will never fight. She will give you anything even if that means putting someone else first. When I look at her I see a girl beautiful and sweet. She is my sister. She is my family. She is my very best friend and I would take a bullet for her as she would do the same for me.

If you don’t have an Emily in your life you need to find one right now. She will make your life that much better.
Girl:is that Emily

Me:Ya. She’s my best friend and is the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me.
by Hihijijjbegend January 8, 2018
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Emily is that one weird girl that nobody talks to except her ugly guy friend who's in love with her.
Person 1: Man, that girl is such an Emily
Person 2: Then there's that ugly fucker Jeremey
by Nihcka January 26, 2018
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An Emily is usually a beautiful girl with the biggest heart she is a great kisser and always knows when you're upset so dont try to hide your feelings from her she is great in bed and is a major hottie the boy with an Emily is really lucky and should never let her go she is the hottest most goreous girl around and is perfect in every single way she may give the guys a boner
Me: You know Emily
Friend: yeah

Me: i marsterbated over her lasr night and when i saw her she gave me a boner
by Yiouhjnsjs September 13, 2018
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A dumb blonde bitch that uses a friend to get more friends then dumps the original friend and doesn't tell her why
Ew . Look at the girl. She must be an Emily
by HaterBitch1234 December 30, 2016
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Another name for a dwarf that lives in a hut. When angry, it is called dwarf rage.
Look at that pissed off dwarf! It must be an Emily!
by The Squirrel of Phoenix October 16, 2011
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The mos beautiful person in the world. Often referred to as a Goddess. Has eyes that one can easily get lost in. A great friend that cares about people and makes the world a better place. Easy to love too. jk shes a fat ugly hoe.
by hecbdevc jcbke February 22, 2016
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