Something people on Facebook used to say in 2010 after posting a picture or pictures, as Facebook would make a post with the user's personalized message showing off the picture(s) that had separate likes from the actual picture(s), whose thumbnail image a user had to click or press on individually to like.
Message of Facebook User posting a picture on Facebook, circa 2010 AD: Like the picture not the link hoesss <3333 lolzers lolzomg
by PKDL December 15, 2022
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When someone takes a picture with random strangers just to make a funny picture. Could be due to something the random strangers are doing or wearing etc.
Picture Hopper -A person who creates kind of an awkward situation while taking a funny picture such as if your in Las Vegas and you see two random people on the street, one is passed out, the other is waiting for the 1st one to wake up and you jump in to take a funny picture .
by DanTanneh May 20, 2015
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Also known as CPPT, it is a trend when you see one brave friend who decides to change his/her facebook profile picture, so you change your profile picture and eventually about 20 or more friends have all changed their picture because it's contagious.

This trend goes in waves because it's contagious.

One can wonder how contagious this trend is and if the trend really ever ends?
Friend 1 changed their profile picture.
...1 hour later
Friend 1 and five other friends changed their profile picture.

Friend 2: Looks like my friends are going through the contagious profile picture trend.
by Freakin Bob!! February 28, 2011
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V. When your on an online profile or search engine and your just looking at a bunch of pictures!
you: "What are you doing?"
me: "I'm just picture-surfing."

"Last night i was picture-surfing though Jane's pics, holy cow she's got some crazy stuff on there"
by Dcbur509 January 14, 2010
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when someone uses a picture of you against your will.
i saw a picture of me on the wall in a movie, someone pictured me!
by bobstickfigg June 18, 2022
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A picture generally posted by a middle age woman. Usually it will have at least 5 different fonts, a character sticker, a religious undertone (or very obvious overtone), maybe a pun, and usually old out of date memes.
"I can't believe your aunt posted that! It's such a Facebook picture!"
"Yeah, the three different fonts and the picture of snoopy really tie it together."
by Mocah May 22, 2021
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April 14

This day is for all the boyfriends to stop being kutte and send their girlfriends the pictures they want
Boy 1: I’m not sending you the picture

Girl 1: Stop being a slimy, vomit-inducing pervert, you have to it’s national send your girlfriend the picture she wants day
by Sammy Wammy April 15, 2022
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