when a man and a woman use maple syrup as a lubricant for anal sex. this is a common act in canada.
"Eh guy, i just maple rumbled your mother. She was sweet and sticky. Her anus that is."
by surfskate1911 June 5, 2009
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A delicious beverage consumed in steamy nights making syrup in a sugar shack. Best served with tall tales told by wise ol’ sap men. A term originally coined by a local author and university professor on the East Coast of Canada. After his first sip he exclaimed “This is a Maple Marvel!” The ingredients to the maple marvel are known by those who have made and drank them. One would say a marvel is much like a women’s breasts, one is too few; three too many.
Doug why don’t we head down to the sugar shack and mix ourselves up a maple marvel.
by PictouKid922 June 3, 2019
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A guy who mainly makes funny lego gaem videos where he kills bugs and eats fruits. He also luvs playing funny gaem where he gets women from falling stars. He luv val, (shh don't tell)
Booga maple doesn't like to touch sea-water when he is wearing sandals.
by Mush_Potat November 8, 2023
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An absolute shit hole in British Columbia, Canada filled with High school dropouts who drive lifted diesel pickup trucks and smoke crack on the daily and the children of crack heads who ride around on bikes during the early hours of the morning screaming at people walking.
-Where the fuck is this asshole driving this huge pickup truck from, Mars? He drives like a fucking retard!

*Skid rides out into middle of road on shitty BMX bike*


-We're in MAPLE RIDGE, Jim. Get used to it.
by picklecockhorsetaker June 30, 2018
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maple ridge is the most disgusting city in the lower mainland filled jibs and skids. literally the ugliest more dirtiest place in bc.
“hey were can i get some crack”

just go to maple ridge bud
by maheyj June 5, 2020
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full of crackheads and skids but like its fine, lots of fights and crazyness. no one gives a shit and will do anything. its a fun but also horrible place ngl.
Maple ridge is the definition of cracky land
by ur fav gamer girl June 5, 2020
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A Rarted little game for Rarted little shits.
Hey did you see that Rarted child playing Maple Story
by DarkstarX1 May 5, 2018
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