A trash system set to brainwash its people and make it believe that global warming doesn't exist.
by yellowfoureyes November 13, 2017
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A system which we the people have socially accepted to take our well earned money and spend it on politicians or in other words a waste of your time
You: Hey Fred how’s it hanging?

Fred: Not well the Government took half my paycheck
by Libertarian113 May 6, 2020
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An absolutely unnecessary system of human slavery.
"These so-called governments are in reality great bands of robbers and murderers, organized, disciplined, and constantly on the alert." - Lysander Spooner
by molonlabe2023 October 5, 2023
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government is like: "whatever it takes to make it's own party constituencies feel warm and fuzzy" in that sense it destroys the ambition and work ethics of millions of people - Less Government is better!!
The workings of our government has taken a threshold in my life. One of my priorities in life is to try to be out spoken about what it means to be an American - which I know should be all inclusive and not just about one party or one organization. Be apart of the solution to justice. Do not be a follower. You do not know who is leading the crowd all the time.
by FOCBI July 31, 2016
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A bunch of lizard people who are trying to control us.
A: Who are you voting into office?
B: *Gasp* You believe in the government?
by HelpImHeldCaptiveByACrazyMan September 18, 2021
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