The best person ever and gets all the Girls and does a lot of stupid stuff and also does a lot of cool stuff and he has so many friends and is light skinned and he has curly hair.
My friend is and real Gabriel Turner some times.
by Mr U's biggest fan October 18, 2017
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N. A person with the odd dining habit of eating each item on their plate in its entirety before rotating the plate and eating the next one.
I was a plate-turner as a child: had to eat all of my pork chop first, then all of the green beans, then the mashed potatoes, rotating the plate each time so the next food item was directly in front of me.
by M.C. Slim JB October 22, 2010
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A gorgeous red haired girl with Billie eyes and freckles! She is one of the hottest people alive!
Have you seen Ellie-May Turner today? She is drippin!
by IGOTSUZZIE01 February 6, 2021
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A sexual act where the male, whilst in a woman beings her to his chest and begins to spin while headbutting her till she falls uncioncous. Then the male continues to have intercourse with her untill done.
Joe: "Did you see the state of steph this morning? She must have got a Scottish Turner."
by The man without a face or dick February 6, 2012
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