A big purple egg that has bling.
Thanos u be lookin like an egg.
by sweatyboi123 October 24, 2018
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A purple grape, floating through space, trying to fill his glove, with all the gems galore
Thanos is coming to take the gems from everybody and make spiderman feel not so good.
by I don't wanna go Mr Stark June 19, 2019
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A big bitch who has no feelings for anything. He is a big purple buttcheek who kills the universe like an asswhole like hitler.
I’m gonna snap that booty like Thanos did.
by Hifhhv April 21, 2019
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When you put your thumb in a girl's vagina and your middle finger in her asshole and then snap your fingers.
I just gave that girl a Thanos last night
by TDia October 12, 2022
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An amazing, handsome guy who is always the life of the party and always puts a smile on your face.
He can be the biggest flirt and player at times.
He loves to dance, sing and party.
he is very romantic and intelligent any girl who gets him is the luckiest girl on earth.
I just met up with Thanasi.
Everyone needs a Thanos in their life!
by Handsome smart November 20, 2021
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