beautiful, intelligent, sexy, caring, amazing girl who can roll out of bed in the morning and still pull off perfect. her smile and personality brighten my day, regardless of how bad it's been before i see her. her eyes are the color of perfectly cut emeralds. they catch every ounce of light, not to mention your attention. they are as beautiful as the soul they mirror. her lips are the softest that you will ever have the pleasure of kissing. her kiss itself is amazingly sensual, yet packs the force of a fireworks display. every time our eyes meet my heart skips a beat and i lose my breath. there really are no words to describe someone so perfect. I tried my best.
Sarah is my life
by armada365 February 20, 2015
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Sarah the most beautiful electrifying woman in the room everybody stops and stairs at her beauty. Shes magnificent she is smart . she makes the Mornings worth waking up for. She is an amazing kisser, cook and most of all an amazing mother. She has the biggest heart and a very loving and caring woman. You would be such a lucky man to have her in your life.
I am so in love with Sarah.

Sarah has an amazing ass.

Look at Sarah and Buddha there amazing
by Buddhas daman December 21, 2016
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the best person in the world and is a very good friend to everyone. If you don't know Sarah you need to meet her. Very loving caring kind cute and fun all around. Best person on this earth
Hey do you know who that is.
Yeah its Sarah.

She is the best
by boroguy7 December 11, 2015
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Sarah is one o a kind. There’s many different types of Sarah’s but there’s only one I know. She’s always there to have a laugh and make jokes, but when the situation gets serious she’s got your back. Sarah’s not afraid to show her opinions off to people who’s either hurt her or why not. She’s extremely emotional and could cry at any moment. She has a huge habit of telling her self she’s ugly but she’s really not, because Sarah your pretty.
Sarah is different
by Aim7002 October 11, 2019
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Sarah, she is shy when you first meet her but once you start to understand her and her way of thinking, she'll become a really nice person, she may have a weird sense of humor but that's a part of what makes her so special. She also can be sensitive and petty so be careful of what you do and she expects respect and you better give it to her. She is wonderful and really something.
Hey that Sarah girl has a weird sense of humor
That's what makes her special
by Bongocat April 12, 2019
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The biggest GOOF you will ever meet.
Person 1: “Hey did you see that girl?”
Person 2: “Oh yeah, Sarah? She’s such a GOOF.”
by ClamChowder5555 December 29, 2018
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , help, sarah is killing me!
by Elias has a big pp November 3, 2019
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