Whoa, Jill and Maeve are totally going at it, bush to bush. HOT.
by JMJK May 3, 2008
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a vagina that is very hairy
He dumped her because she had a big bush.
by geishagirl May 13, 2009
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1. the surname of two presidents, george h.w. and george w.
2. pube hair
3. also known as a shrub, a woody plant smaller than normal trees
1. i love bush!
2. i love bush!
3. i love bush!
by jayveeeeeeeee August 2, 2008
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When someone overflows the bowl of a marijuana smoking device.
Whoa, holy shit mayn you bushed it? righteous.
by Drew October 23, 2003
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1. one of the lousiest presidents that has served our country.

2. he is like a bill clinton--he loves to have hot sex with beautiful women.
1. bush destroyed our economy.

2. bush is having so much time in bed with whores that he is destroying our country.
by lamdog14 July 27, 2008
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short for Bull Shit

may be pronounced as: Buuuuush
after a cow's mooooo

Damn, this class was full of BUSH!!
by KZ13 May 13, 2008
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droopy eyes, as if high or drunk
dude, you shouldn't be driving, your eyes are totally bushed
by wyck on fyr May 26, 2008
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