The feeling of being uneasy near ghetto black people.
I’m never returning to that barbershop, it gave me uneasy “nigger vibes”
by NiggerCatcher June 29, 2022
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A colorful adjective/phrase pertaining to individuals receiving a large sum of money via settlement, stolen lottery vouchers, or life insurance policy payouts. Often times the money-monger is associated with wives trying to deplete their husband’s equity through divorce. This is due to their consistent unemployment throughout decades and unwilling nature to become a productive member towards society. Those afflicted with this condition will immediately resort to companionship with multiple partners while being married. Oddly enough, those partners include lumberjacks and narcotics abusers. Constant validation from others is a must because well, what do you expect pieces of shit to do???
Therapist : “Sir your wife has a condition commonly known as BPD

Husband : “Naaaaahh!!! That’s just her nigger-rich pirate ways man. She sure is pretty though
by Ivehadenuff April 30, 2023
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an offensive term for people of Middle Eastern or North African descent or just people with sand color skin
That guy there is a sand nigger
by H31nr1chTh3Austr1an April 10, 2023
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- You know that sand nigger?
- Syndrum?
- Yes
by 12345yousmell August 2, 2017
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nigger-lover by proxy also known as a nigger-lover lover. to be a nigger-lover unknowingly.
jane sucked a nigger's dick and went home and tongued her boyfriend, making him a nigger-lover by proxy.
by schizophrenia: never alone August 28, 2023
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A lucky nigger is a nigger that will give you luck and you really want to sit next to a lucky nigger for a lifetime of luck!!!
I love sitting next to lucky niggers to get luck for the rest of my life.
by TheBlackMamba47 November 22, 2022
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Noun : a type of ho who wears an absudly enormous belt that cant even fit into a normal belt loop and then they cry like a dirty cunt when someone takes their picture
Paddock nems: whoa look at that smokin hot cowlishaw hooker

G ev: dude thats a gucci belt loop nigger. Look at that thing that could strangle a launch nems mass monster.
by ballplayer182 April 13, 2022
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