cockney slang for earner.

AKA money maker, smooth operator and spiritual lyricist.
flew to the uk and made quick tike turner of these verses.

securing the bag with a higher purpose.
by April 4, 2022
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A Urinal Turner is a guy in a public restroom who while taking a piss at a urinal will always turn around and try to make eye contact with whoever walks in. This is poor bathroom ediquitte.
"Did you notice whenever Jay is taking a leak he always turns around to see who walks in?"

"Yeah I had him pegged as a urinal turner the second time he did that shit to me"
by Gunno 2 November 11, 2017
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Is the most amazing girl, she is stunningly beautiful, kind to everyone and nobody can help but envy her.
Wow, that was Alice Turner!
by kittykat123456789 October 31, 2010
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A basic black bi**h ! Someone who goes a around and plays those f Boi more than they can play her.
by Ashhh15667 March 16, 2017
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The act of being a weak-ass bitch. Commonly used term in a planning process.
Person 1: we still going into town tonight?
Person 2: sorry I totally forgot, haven't got time now...
Person 1: are you Turnering on me again?!?
by Cräigermeister February 4, 2019
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When someone raises money for a place for live music/ music artists by playing on youtube and doing virtual music gigs online.
Frank is going to be turnering tonight on youtube.
by Iamagardener February 11, 2021
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