n. when two consenting people kill each other in a way that is predetermined. It's like committing suicide but having someone else do it and you do it to them simultaneously.
Reagan: I don't think we're going to get this job, Trevor.

Trevor: Fuck it. Let's just do a trust kill.
by T-Floss February 27, 2012
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the four trust is usually consisted of a group of very attractive girls or guys
guy 1: i cant chill today like we said

guy 2: come on man its the four trust

girl 1: are you lying!!!!

girl 2: no hun four trust
by hottie_90 October 9, 2008
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some who is from a nice jome but acts like they are from the ghetto
the trust fund gansta relies on his parents for money to buy gansta gear
by Traap dereck June 24, 2017
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Means to stand down by any means necessary before some shit get real
Mane get Tf fuck out my face
Bruh you betta trust down real quick
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When some has broken ones trust, the offender must send a Dick Picture thus including face, and send it to the one who's trust has been broken. If the trust gets broken again the witness has a right to do whatever with ones Gential picture
"Oh you sent a trust DP"

"Yeah now Kevin trusts me agian"
by Carlson Richardson June 30, 2019
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"Trust Company is the one true faith, one day it will take over the world and be the most powerful in the world. Godfather is the god of the company. Christopher, Paulie, Tony, Slippin Jimmy, Unwise, Anthony Jr, Dave and Pussy. You will get punished relentlessly if you do not accept the trust, just ask Asshole (Finigan). Every member when assigned is originally in denial but by the end they are in peace, they respect and accept. It is the truth of this world and once you are in peace with the trust you will see great, great things." - God of Trust (Godfather)
The Trust Company is the most powerful force in the universe.
by God of Trust (Godfather) August 17, 2017
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Sarcastic term for da sizeable wad of cash dat a lying chat-contact from Ghana or Nigeria asked you to send to him/her, supposedly in order to give said foreigner confidence dat you're "for real" prior to his traveling overseas to meet you in person. Doubly a bad idea for you to actually comply with, of course, since (A) this OTHER person should conceivably be da one to prove to YOU dat he/she is legit, since presumably you will likely be da one who will be paying for most of da person's expenses if he/she comes to see you, and (B) most likely said conniving moocher is merely trying to con money out of you, and in reality has no actual intention of ever making any travel-plans to hang out with you.
Every hot-bodied chick I meet online seems to want me to send them trust funds!
by QuacksO March 22, 2023
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