when the chongo bongo farfa berfe caca pepor cola abuela fly fritos pepor boingy garngob
omg where patty fral

it “ caca fani caca zucchini hoinges ” ham
by karby paty June 22, 2021
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It is described as a disgusting, revolting or even a slightly bad smell.
example, “ That smells like ma-caca 😢” or if you find something, “ That’s ma-caca”
by Lustrouxxxx January 5, 2022
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it's a butt and/or butthole
Bye Jacob, I have to go wipe my caca generator!
by chocalate spit September 15, 2021
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'La caca' is a term used to insult someone.
Person 1- You smell like la caca, you need to shower
Person 2- Shut up you big la caca.
by ghostlyseren January 25, 2021
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A pit filled with balls that toddlers shit in.
Max, I need to go to the bathroom. (Mom goes to the bathroom and comes back in horror to find out that Max is in the caca pit.)
Max, where are you?

Oh there you are!

OH FUCK! Why is there a dirty diaper with shit all over you?
Max: This is the caca pit!

Mom: Why did I have kids?
by JannRickles May 21, 2023
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