Anna... theres is no other way to describe her other then "that bitch". but in a good way, she is so sexy and awesome. SHE IS SO AMAZING AHHHHHHHH
by 444rff February 28, 2019
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could stare into your eyes with her never-ending, bottom-of-the-ocean grey eyes for hours on end. her smile radiates positive energy when she is truly happy and she is passionate to no end. the feisty little thing doesn’t like being ignored but will shower you with all her love if you truly deserve it. her freckles form constellations on her cheeks and under her eyes. you could map the tiny galaxies on her face for hours. standing on her tippy toes, she can give the best hugs, fully encompassing you with her arms wrapped around your neck. her noes crinkles when she laughs, her eyes turn turquoise when she cries, and her wispy hair falls to the sides of her face. enjoys all things magnificent in life especially sitting on rooftops, music, flowers, clouds, rain, and holding hands.
anna is a living embodiment of an angel
by stcrdust September 26, 2018
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a crazy girl that always smiles!
anna is anna apparent ly this definition need to be longer... ahh i think that will do.
by kirk!!! June 12, 2005
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the hottest girl ever. a word describing the prettiest girl you have ever seen
"hello lindsay anna"
"im gonna name my daughter anna"
by Mr.Man April 23, 2006
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1. beautiful, hott,*sexy*, gorgeous, fine, babe
2. omnipotent, smart
3. SPUNKY, lively, outgoing
4. amazing, awesome, wonderful
5. perfect
"did you see anna? damn she's fine!"

"man, anna's one sexy babe!!"

"she's perfect"
by louielou May 15, 2006
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Person 1: so how was your time with your friend?

Person 2: it was good, she was being an anna today
by Ooh-Lah April 29, 2008
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A girl who is generally sweet and mild mannered on the outside, but is a crazy party girl on the inside. She is also quite bi-polar. It can be used when you are extremely drunk but trying to play it cool.
Cassy: Do you think it's ok to talk to my parents even though your stone drunk?
Mandy: Oh yeah, I'm totally anna.
by Jane G January 30, 2006
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