An insult created by wrestling personality, Chris Jericho.

"Wow, I'd be insulted if you weren't quoting a burnt out wrestler."
by Johnny Rocketfingers April 4, 2004
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A word that describes the action of getting down and dirty with a garbage worker. Any sort of sexual act with a garbage worker works. It is also describes the act of having oral sex with a teacher.
Hey math teacher! All I can think about is trash-bagging you. I’m gonna come to trash bag you tonight.
by yum yum sauce July 3, 2020
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The action of dipping your unwashed testicles in any kind of ice cream syrup and teabagging someone
"I'm gonna give you a flavored trash bag if you don't watch your mouth."
by The Man With The Rod May 18, 2021
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Dominic Corotza
a trash bag cheater is best defined as Dominic Corotza and that’s it
by fatpiggiesrus October 6, 2021
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Bags you put trash in.
Hym "Ok, I'll stop 😆"

Iam "Hey, where did all our trash bags go?"

Hym "Huh? I donno."

Iam "We had 2 almost full boxes."

Hym "I bet those bastards who cam over stole them."

Iam "No way? Would they seriously do something like that?"

Hym "What is with people stealing our shit all the time!? We can't catch a break!"

Iam "Seriously, who does that!?"
by Hym Iam June 7, 2022
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