'Tuff' is the level/rating scale of how hot a chick is.

It is determined by the number of "f's" you give to her:

2 "F's" is the standard for a hot chick,
1 "F" is for a decent chick
0/No "F's" is for fat, ugly, gangly, or lurpy chicks.

***Occasionally 3 "F's" is thrown out there for an absolute knockout, but should be reserved only for someone you would leave your wife for.***
While walking down the street, you see a hot chick and shout out either to your buddies or yourself:

"2 F's" or "Tuff!" or "T-U-Double F"-->Hot chick
"1 F" -->Decent chick
"No F's" -->Fat chick
by LogicalSarcasm July 20, 2010
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A word to describe someone saying BOLD things.
"He said he is going to beat me up when he catch me. That's tuff"
by Keyari T January 3, 2018
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Someone who can survive even through pain and loss of limbs, even if they seem autistic
Person 1- bro how does he not yell? I just cut off his legs and he only said gotcha!?

Person 2- he’s so tuff
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Little stray hairs that form the shape of a bun on the top of ones head. Willy Wonka was the pioneer of this look.
Hey dude...sick tuffs.

Yo Willy let me touch your tuffs.

Dude you got tuffs on your head like Willy Wonka.
by wonkagirl January 5, 2014
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somebody being under the impression that they are extremely cool, awesome, or able to fight somebody, when in reality they arent at all. when somebody acts like theyre the shit and above people.
"dude did you see how mike was trying to fight alex?"
"yeah man he thinks hes so tuff"
by lostforever1233 January 3, 2009
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When you don't have a way to express your words without being a whole asshole
guy 1: I just walked in on my girlfriend giving another guy head
guy 2: Man... Im not gonna lie, that's tuff
by Thatoneubergæguy November 10, 2019
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